No, this is not a trick question.  Rather than all of the crazy, unrealistic, New Year’s resolutions people make, our health should be taking priority.

New Year’s Resolution is just another name for a personal goal.  New year, new resolution, new me. Sounds great, right? One of the few studies conducted on the outcome of new year’s resolutions concluded that only half were able to continue with those resolutions after the first month.  So why do the majority of new year’s resolutions fail?

  1. People set goals that are too lofty
  2. The goal isn’t something the individual actually wants to do
  3. You’re trying to satisfy others

The number one reason resolutions fail is because the goal is unrealistic. We tend to find ourselves looking for a magical wand or fairy dust in order to meet our resolutions. Writing down our goals, separating them into short term and long term, will help make your goals more achievable.

Motivation is a key factor in determining your success. When setting our goals for the new year we want to focus on ones that reflect our inner selves and our aspirations. A lot of times we get caught up in making goals for ourselves that other people want, rather than what we truly want.

Focusing your new year’s resolution on your health is a great way to start building healthier habits.

Follow SportsRdpro on Instagram and Facebook for 10 tips for a healthier new year!


  • Streep P. Psychology today. The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions: What to Do Instead. 2018:n/a.
  • Norcross, John & J. Vangarelli, Dominic. (1988). The resolution solution: Longitudinal examination of New Year’s change attempts. Journal of Substance Abuse. 1. 127-134

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